Schuyler Wulfsberg

Massage Therapist

Schuyler is a born and raised Truckee-Tahoe local who has been interested in bodywork and the healing arts since childhood. He is a graduate of The Bodhi Tree Center in Carson City, Nevada, and is trained in a variety of modalities including Deep Tissue, Acupressure, Swedish massage, Fascial freedom style cupping and Detox cupping, Myofascial release, and Craniosacral work. He combines these techniques to customize a unique massage experience tailored to the needs of each client. Whether you are a high-end athlete in need of deep therapeutic work, have chronic occupational related issues you're working on, or wish to relax and zone out for a session, Schuyler is an excellent therapist.

When he is not providing amazing bodywork, Schuyler loves to be outside, and loves to create. He is an avid skier, snowboarder, mountain biker, bassist, and poet.